Oradea, revisited

It’s been some time since I last visited Oradea and things have improved a bit. New constructions, new passageways. Here is Podul Intelectualilor (built in 1974), which was unavailable for photography last year and inaccessible due to extensive works. Now it’s fully functional and I could walk on it and take this photo, despite the rainy day. It stays on the same spot where the Garasos Bridge (built in 1910) used to be. Its name translates to “The Intellectuals’ Bridge“, since in the past there was a heavy literary publishing activity on both banks of the Criș River and the intellectuals used to cross this bridge frequently.

And this is the Holnaposok Statue or “Tomorrow’s People“, consisting of the statues of the poets Ady Endre, Juhász Gyula, Emőd Tamás and Dutka Ákos, three of them sitting on chairs. The fourth chair is empty and people use it to take a seat and photograph themselves with the statues. The work belongs to Deák Árpád and was unveiled in 2012. Behind the monument you can see the corner building of the Adorján Palace complex finally renovated. Flingers crossed for the entire project!

My other articles about Oradea on this blog:
Nagyvárad: https://cezar.vivaldi.net/2023/07/18/nagyvarad/
Aerial Oradea: https://cezar.vivaldi.net/2023/07/31/aerial-oradea/
Die Häuser von Großwardein: https://cezar.vivaldi.net/2023/07/31/die-hauser-von-groswardein/
Oradea Mushroom Hill: https://cezar.vivaldi.net/2023/07/30/oradea-mushroom-hill/
The Churches of Oradea: https://cezar.vivaldi.net/2023/07/20/the-churches-of-oradea/
The Jews of Oradea: https://cezar.vivaldi.net/2023/07/22/the-jews-of-oradea/
Oradea Freemasonry Temple: https://cezar.vivaldi.net/2023/07/27/oradea-freemasonry-temple/
Oradea Medieval Festival: https://cezar.vivaldi.net/2023/07/09/oradea-medieval-festival/
Black Eagle Passageway: https://cezar.vivaldi.net/2023/07/25/black-eagle-passageway/
Oradea Soviet Mosaic: https://cezar.vivaldi.net/2023/09/18/oradea-soviet-mosaic/
Oradea Slovakian Consulate: https://cezar.vivaldi.net/2023/07/28/oradea-slovakian-consulate/
The Oradea Storm: https://cezar.vivaldi.net/2023/07/30/the-oradea-storm/
The Aesthetics of the Ugly: https://cezar.vivaldi.net/2023/07/11/the-aesthetics-of-the-ugly/
Fool’s Paradise: https://cezar.vivaldi.net/2023/09/05/fools-paradise/
Sunset in Oradea: https://cezar.vivaldi.net/2023/09/27/sunset-in-oradea/
Oradea Railway Station: https://cezar.vivaldi.net/2024/03/11/oradea-railway-station/

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