What does psychotherapy means and what the psychotherapy approaches are.
Author: Cezar
InfoPsy : Psihiatria
Repetitio est mater studiorum. (practice makes perfect)
One more story to tell
Runter in den Kaninchenbau (down the rabbit hole)
Un câine latră
Un câine latră, un om vorbește.
Mystical Graubünden
A voyage through Grisons, in ancient Rhaetia.
Un film prost
An atomic explosion can ruin your day. (O explozie atomică îți poate strica toată ziua.)
Erythrostemon gilliesii
Erythrostemon (Caesalpinia) gilliesii – Bird of Paradise
From the other side
Annecy seen from the other side of the lake at Veyrier-du-Lac
Hypericum androsaemum
Hypericum androsaemum – Shrubby St. John’s Wort – Millepertuis androsème – Blut-Johanniskraut
Eryngium – Eryngo – Panicaut – Mannstreu/Edeldistel – Scai/Mărăcine
Eremurus stenophyllus
Eremurus stenophyllus – Foxtail Lily – Schmalblättrige Steppenkerze