One last photo from Oradea.
Arad – Center
The central part of Arad City, Romania.
Arad – West
The western part of Arad City, Romania.
Arad – South
The southern part of Arad City, Romania.
Arad – East
The eastern part of Arad City, Romania.
Arad – North
The northern part of Arad City, Romania.
Why Photography?
Let us leave pretty women to men with no imagination.
Satu Mare Soviet Mosaic
The Soviet Mosaic of Autogara Satu Mare, 33+ years after the fall of the communist regime.
Oradea Soviet Mosaic
The Soviet Mosaic of Oradea House of Culture, 33+ years after the fall of the communist regime.
Sciurus vulgaris – Red squirrel – Écureuil roux – Eurasisches Eichhörnchen – Veverița roșie
Vanessa atalanta
Vanessa atalanta – The Red Admiral butterfly – Le Vulcain – Der Admiral