Stolen & Published

How I discovered that someone stole one of my infographics and published it without giving credit.

Take a look at this 2023 article on ResearchGate:
and particularly at this slide:

I know, you might not be familiar with publishing in an academic environment or with what Positive Psychotherapy is. Well… this school of psychotherapy is the method in which I was qualified over a period of 6 years, including self-discovery and supervision. This involved money, dedication and a lot of frustration (read effort), so as to be able to see better the mechanisms behind the psychological issues of my clients and patients. However, being someone also willing to share, I created several infographics along the years, infographics that have circulated online during the last 10 years or so. A collection of my infographics can be seen here, on this very website:
I do this for a long time…

Here is a link to one of my articles from 2015:
where you can find the following slide:

Notice any similarities?
Oh yes… the copyright notice at the top is no longer there…
How nice!

Now take a look at this article:
with the updated version of the same slide:

Oh my!… I’m finally getting published!… What a joy!

The only problem is that someone else took the credit.

Now… I am not against sharing my slides; they were designed so as to help others understand what Positive Psychotherapy does and is. And this particular slide is a nice collection of inner values, items that are crucial when dealing with conflicts. All I really needed was an email kindly asking me for the permission to use my slide. Something that never came…

I am one of the few people who can actually apply the theory of capacities (values) in practice; most of what I see online is only a dry repetition of the initial ideas of Nossrat Peseschkian and his team, with the aim of looking smart and “academic” (and yes, this is a judgement!). As a consequence, I aim to write in the future (hopefully) many articles using this particular framing of capacities/values, as a praise for my trainer & training, and as a living irony directed at those who content themselves only to lifelessly repeat what was already discovered and taught…

Post Scriptum:

Hello World Association for Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy
The article is on your website:
