One more story to tell

gray concrete spiral stairs with no people

Runter in den Kaninchenbau (down the rabbit hole)

One more story to tell

It is a bit strange to write again in English after so many years spent in both France and Romania, speaking different languages and being immersed in totally different cultures. However, it wasn’t enough – being in those two countries – I couldn’t find my place there. One can argue that I am that kind of person who never finds her place in the world… and it might be so. But I felt an urge to return to the old blog and write again in English now, being at several existential crossroads.

What am I trying to do this time? Well, immerse myself – and you also – in a story about my psychotherapy training. My Romanian language readers remember that, back in 2018, I created a series about psychiatry – my main profession – in which I explained, in general and at the level of understanding of the general public, the mental disorders. I will begin to repost that rather successful series on my Substack blog, which I intend to keep for Romanian language only. Here on this blog I will begin a series of articles reflecting on my therapist training in positive psychotherapy, a transcultural and integrative school of psychotherapy. For this, I will follow the chronological line of the notes I took 10 years ago when I was a trainee. The entire process will be rather painful for me, as I will be scratching old wounds and will remember the traumatic experience of becoming a therapist and dealing with the suffering of others. I will do my best to keep the arid, theoretical backbone of knowledge out of the way, because this is easily available online and the artificial intelligence applications will be readily available to help on these matters. Instead, I will employ a philosophical and metaphorical style and we shall see where this can lead us.

I greet my previous followers from my old blog (I requested a transfer of subscribers) and I also offer a warm welcome to newcomers. As for basic organization, I redesigned this website in the most minimalistic way, I hope to keep the articles relatively short for those with attention span issues, and if you want to have a break and keep in touch with what I do outside the realm of psychology, you can always visit my main website at Vivaldi.

So, in conclusion, before I go, I think I have one more story to tell. And this involves going down the rabbit hole…
