The Budapest Central Market Hall (Nagyvásárcsarnok) is a large covered market, built in the Neogothic style in 1897, at the southern end of the famous pedestrian shopping street Váci utca. It’s an architectural masterpiece. At ground level there are traders with grocery produce and at the 1st floor there are souvenirs and clothing. Here are some images.
The general view from the main entrance.
Hungary is – and few people understand this – a land of fairy-tales. The ancient Hungarian history is based on the concept of dream and on mythological symbolism. You can see this on building decorations but also on the smallest objects: colored flowers (often tulips), animals, folklore motifs, etc.
The same symbolism reflected on the Hungarian pottery.
And here are crochets and laces (macramés) in the same style.
A typical Hungarian clothing, the “atilla jacket” or “hussar (huszár) jacket”. In Romania we use the term “jacket with brandenburgs”, as it is widely associated with both the Germans/Austrians and the Hungarians.
Of course, there are funny, political magnets on sale…
And merchandise for all tastes…
The general view of the market from the first floor.
Budapest Nagyvásárcsarnok