Atypical Budapest

Budapest, otherwise…

When the Danube is at your feet…

Liberty Bridge – Szabadság híd

Erzsébet Bridge – Erzsébet híd

Széchenyi Chain Bridge – Széchenyi Lánchíd

The Danube flowing beneath the Chain Bridge.

One of the lions guarding the Parliament (Országház).

TGI Fridays Oktogon, American food in the heart of Budapest…

The headquarters of Hell Energy Magyarország Kft. in Budapest. Hell Yeah!!!
A budapesti Hősök Tere metrómegálló logója. (The logo of Heroes' Square metro station in Budapest)
The logo of Heroes’ Square (Hősök Tere) underground train station.

Statue of Anonymous (Anonymus Bele regis notarius, the anonymous notary of King Bela), the author of Gesta Hungarorum (The Deeds of the Hungarians), written in Medieval Latin around year 1200.

The futuristic Hungarian House of Music (Magyar Zene Háza).

Magyar Zene Háza inside.

The waiting line in front of the world-renowned New York Café, located at the ground floor of Anantara New York Palace Budapest Hotel.

The 22-floor building of Semmelweis Egyetem (the Medical University of Budapest) in Nagyvárad Tér.

Semmelweis University Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (Semmelweis Egyetem Pszichiátriai és Pszichoterápiás Klinika)

The entrance in the building that also hosts the Neurology Department (Semmelweis Egyetem Neurológiai Klinika), as well as the Semmelweis University Neuro-Radiology Research Center (Semmelweis Egyetem Neuroradiológiai Tanszék).

Some more or less subtle anti-war propaganda… the War Psychosis…

Kakastolvaj-szobor (the Rooster Thief statue) in Kiscsibész tér. The statue, erected in 1885, depicts a boy regretting his actions, who would throw away his stolen rooster if he were to escape a dog that is tearing his clothes.

My other Budapest articles:
The Land of the Raven King –
Budapest –
Budapest Railway Stations –
Danube in Budapest –
Jewish Budapest –
Budapest Nagyvásárcsarnok –
and the general page of Hungary:
