Johann Sebastian Bach – Partita No. 1 in B-Flat Major, BWV 825, Gigue
What is a woman?
Don’t ask yourself where God was at Auschwitz, ask yourself where the man was!
Limpedea Columns
Coloanele de la Limpedea, ancient lava dome and geological natural monument.
Cirsium vulgare
Cirsium vulgare – Common Spear Thistle – Gewöhnliche Kratzdistel – Közönséges aszat
Mentha longifolia
Mentha longifolia – Horse Mint – Rossminze – Lómenta
Epilobium hirsutum
Epilobium hirsutum – Hairy Willowherb – Zottiges Weidenröschen – Borzas füzike
Eupatorium cannabinum
Eupatorium cannabinum – Hemp-Agrimony – Gewöhnlicher Wasserdost – Sédkender
Jordan Peterson
Psychology Professor Jordan Peterson, speaking about truth.
Clematis 2nd blooming
Global warming has also caused clematis to bloom for the second time, which is not normal in my area.
Araneus diadematus
European cross spider – Gartenkreuzspinne – Koronás keresztespók.
Az államalapítás ünnepe
St. Stephen’s Day, the anniversary of the foundation of the Hungarian state.