„When an old man dies, a library burns to the ground.” (Când moare un om bătrân, o bibliotecă arde până în temelii.)
Aici si acum se naste si moare o lume.
Time’s up
A walk through the capital of Switzerland, part of a crossing from Basel to Geneva.
Rameau – Castor & Pollux
Jean-Philippe Rameau – Castor et Pollux – Ouverture
In silence
Galanthus nivalis – Snowdrop – Schneeglöckchen – Perce-neige – Hóvirág – Ghiocel
Chaque Week
She is a nomad. She started her journey 20 years ago in the heart of Africa and she’s been in Europe ever since, moving from one country to another, working […]
Windy & Cold
The Perfect Place for Loneliness
Some places are victims of their own success.
Coupeurs de feu
The magical, the mystical, the primitive beliefs… will always be part of the human spirit.