The fiercest battle is with yourself; you’re in both camps.
InfoPsy : Tulburări Alimentare
Life is short. Eat dessert first. (Viața e scurtă. Mănâncă mai întâi desertul.)
The Aesthetics of the Ugly
Black & white photos of some buildings in Oradea.
InfoPsy : Tulburări Sexuale
The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. (singura modalitate de a scăpa de o ispită este sa obții satisfacerea ei)
Beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.
Oradea Medieval Festival
Some views from the Medieval festival of Oradea.
InfoPsy : Sindroame Psihiatrice
You don’t have to have everything clear from the start so as to be able to move forward. (nu trebuie să ai absolut totul clar de la început pentru a putea merge mai departe)
What does psychotherapy means and what the psychotherapy approaches are.
InfoPsy : Psihiatria
Repetitio est mater studiorum. (practice makes perfect)
One more story to tell
Runter in den Kaninchenbau (down the rabbit hole)
Un câine latră
Un câine latră, un om vorbește.