Views from Chiuzbaia Monastery in Maramureș, Northern Romania.
Category: Photography
Nagybánya from Bulat Hill
Views from the Bulat Hill (Dealul Bulat) next to Baia Mare.
Főtér Festival Nagybánya
Nagybányai Magyar Napok – Baia Mare Hungarian Days
Ne pazarold az időt és az energiádat haszontalan dolgokra.
Huta-Certeze Monastery
Views of the Orthodox Huta Monastery in the Country of Oaş, Northern Romania.
Limpedea Columns
Coloanele de la Limpedea, ancient lava dome and geological natural monument.
Cirsium vulgare
Cirsium vulgare – Common Spear Thistle – Gewöhnliche Kratzdistel – Közönséges aszat
Mentha longifolia
Mentha longifolia – Horse Mint – Rossminze – Lómenta
Epilobium hirsutum
Epilobium hirsutum – Hairy Willowherb – Zottiges Weidenröschen – Borzas füzike
Eupatorium cannabinum
Eupatorium cannabinum – Hemp-Agrimony – Gewöhnlicher Wasserdost – Sédkender
Clematis 2nd blooming
Global warming has also caused clematis to bloom for the second time, which is not normal in my area.