Le Nomade d’Antibes
Author: Cezar
In the paradisiac landscape of the Azure Coast, where the Alps reach the Mediterranean Sea, in the land of the all-powerful sun, there is something wrong.
It’s 3 o’clock in the middle of the night and before me is a guy who has just attempted to commit suicide. It’s late, I am sleepy, I don’t know […]
The Call of the Sea
Trains. But Where?
An echo from another time and place…
Colors of the Wind
Vivaldi – RV 421
Antonio Vivaldi – Cello concert RV 421 – Interpreti Veneziani
Cain and God
Before everything, before time and space and the material world, there was an all-powerful perfect supreme force. It could do everything and create anything; there were no limitations. Yet, omnipotent […]