„The grass won’t grow faster if you pull it.” (Iarba nu va crește mai repede dacă tragi de ea.)
Author: Cezar
De pe vremea mea…
“When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills.” (Când bate vântul schimbării, unii construiesc ziduri, iar alții construiesc mori de vânt.)
Annecy Basilique de la Visitation
Catholic Monastery of the Visitation of Annecy
Acea voce…
Damaged people are dangerous. They know they can survive. (Oamenii „stricați” sunt periculoși. Ei știu că pot supraviețui.)
French Idiosyncrasies
One can imagine Paris as a mix of many unrelated elements that do not make sense and are lacking coherence. The same rule applies to the French soul.
Paris, the capital of France. Here are some photos from my recent trip.
Gare de Lyon
Gare de Lyon, in the 12th arrondissement of Paris, is the 2nd busiest in France. It is a gateway to both the South & the Centre of France, but also to the Alps, Italy & Switzerland.
Chiar de-ar pieri lumea
„Fiat justitia, pereat mundus.” (Să fie dreptate, chiar dacă ar pieri lumea).
France on Strike
Photos taken yesterday in Paris.
Sat fără câini
„Nu e vina mea; e vina ta/lui/ei/lor/altora!”
Nu-mi place ziua păcălelilor…