Nebun de legat

De multe ori ma întreb cine este cu adevarat nebun in aceasta lume: cel care este bolnav mintal in adevăratul sens medical, cel care se crede cineva si de fapt nu este, sau cel care crede in lucruri inexistente in realitate?

Imnurile României

Dincolo de aparente, exista valori, principii si teme care revin iar si iar in viata noastra si care ne diferentiaza de alte popoare. Aceste arhetipuri colective pot fi regasite in imnul national.


Historical capital of the Savoy region, prefecture of the Savoie department, situated at the foot of the French Alps, Chambéry is a city of many crossroads and the Savoyard capital since the 13th century.


Known for its university and for scientific research, as well as being the main city in the French Alps, Grenoble is the capital of the Isère county and the ancient capital of the historical province of Dauphiné.