The world without filters, as seen through my own eyes.
Author: Cezar
Caricatures of Love
Your task is not to seek love, but to seek & find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.
The First Snow
Yesterday it snowed for the first time this year… the winter is not far…
Színes Őszi Virágok
Colorful late autumn flowers in the garden. Színes késő őszi virágok a kertben.
Implicit Knowledge
I feel like I’m waiting for something that isn’t going to happen.
Talán… én vagyok az idegen ebben a történetben… és nem ők…
J.C. Bach – Sonata in C Minor, W.A 8
Johann Christian Bach – Keyboard Sonata in C Minor, Op.17, No.2, W.A 8 (Prestissimo)
Why the smart ones don’t lead?
Why capable & skilled people are kept away from the power that could allow them to make a positive difference.
Between Worlds
Awakening begins when a man realizes that he is going nowhere and does not know where to go.
Late Autumn Flowers
This year’s last flowers still remaining in the garden during the fall.
Stolen & Published
How I discovered that someone stole one of my infographics and published it without giving credit.