The real world seen through my eyes.
Lumea fără filtre, văzută prin ochii mei.
In our quest for beauty, we filter what we see. Sometimes we use the AI (artificial intelligence) to enhance our photography, more commonly we artificially increase the contrast, the sharpness and the amount of color using various software. Sometimes we remove the imperfections – be it objects or parts of them – but we even remove people who happen to exist where they weren’t supposed to be in our photographical compositions – something we often do in real life as well, in our relationships. And sometimes we create new images with the AI, something doesn’t even exist in reality – again, because we enjoy living in phantasies of our own making.
There is obvious beauty around us and then, there is beauty if we know where to see it, even in the dreadful places. In the end, there is always the sky, the beauty that remains forever available. And then there is the esthetic of the ugly. The photo articles in the Uncensored category aim to show you the world without any filters, as I see it. They are taken exclusively with my smartphone and the only modification is the reduction of their size from their default resolution. They show the reality as it is, but they also show you my own inner projections, as I am the one who chooses to photograph one image or another, so they also speak about myself.
Uncensored is a reaction to both fakeness and distortion of reality. Uncensored is about showing who we really are and how our genuine reality looks like, beyond any claims or assertions of the contrary we might have. Uncensored is about the world we’re living in.