Danube Promenade

In this article I invite you to a promenade along the Danube River in Budapest. We will cross the Danube from Pest to Buda on the Széchenyi Chain Bridge, then we will have a walk in the I & II kerület (Districts 1 and 2) following a bit the Fő utca and then the western bank of the Danube, and then we will cross back the Danube on the Margit Bridge, stopping a bit on the Margaret Island, in the middle of the river. Enjoy!

On the Széchenyi Lánchíd, looking towards the Buda Castle.

The Capuchin Monastery (Kapucinus Rendház) to the left and Capuchin Church (Budapesti Kapucinus Templom) to the right.

The Szilágyi Dezső Square Reformed Church (Budapesti Szilágyi Dezső téri református templom).

The Saint Anna Church (Felsővízivárosi Szent Anna plébánia).

The Church of the Stigmata of Saint Ferenc (Budapesti Szent Ferenc sebei templom).

The entrance to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary (Külügyminisztérium). Being interested in the original attitude of the Hungarian leadership when it comes to foreign relations and commerce, it was nice to finally pass by the place that represents the country in the world.

Here is the rest of the building, to the right, and the view to the south.

The view to the north from the same spot.

The Hungarian Parliament is almost across the Danube.

Now, up on the Margit híd.

It is always very hot when I cross the Danube on this long bridge… Pure scorch!

Looking back towards Gyóni Géza tér.

In the middle of the Margit híd it is possible to descend on the island. This is the Centenary Monument (Centenáriumi Emlékmű) and behind it there’s a musical fountain.

The Margitsziget Musical Fountain (Margitszigeti zenélő szökőkút), one of the most peaceful places in the world…

I end with the first photo I took at the beginning of this promenade. The Danube is not always blue; this time it was muddy, perhaps because the temperature was atrociously high and the river had begun to boil… No, I’m kidding! 🙂 But it was hot.
