Budapest Városliget

The Budapest City Park (Városliget in Hungarian, Stadtwäldchen in German) is one of the biggest parks of the Hungarian capital city, close to Heroes’ Square. I previously shared some photos from it, such as those of Anonymous szobor, Zene háza, Vajdahunyad vára or Hősök tere (see Atypical Budapest or Budapest), but in this article I will continue with other details. Enjoy!

This is the Chopin-Liszt smart music bench (Chopin-Liszt zenélő okospad), a place where you can listen to classical music while also charging your smartphone wirelessly and enjoying the park in blossom. There is a digital display where you can choose the song being played.

It was an experience I wanted to have for some time… Done!

This is the Memorial to the 1956 Revolution, basically a forest of metal poles. It is in the middle of the complex of the Museum of Ethnography (Néprajzi Múzeum).

Of course I played like a child; the temptation was too big!

I often feel like this… But one needs to look at the sky and not at one’s feet. For this reason, I am primarily a skyscape photographer…

Now, out of the tight dark place, I started to explore the area…

Néprajzi Múzeum is interesting to visit. More interesting however is to climb on it…

Budapest is hot at this time of the year. That’s why the city is full of springs and fountains.

That fresh mist was properly welcomed.

A long road always starts with the first step.

But when you’re up, and you see the earth so far away under your feet, you get dizzy.

It is also good to meditate on the path you took and on the road you left behind.

The perspective you have when you’re up is quite different.

Also, the buildings around seem more accessible.

Budapest seen from the top of Néprajzi Múzeum. Quite a frightening experience for a control-freak…

The ivy-covered Vajdahunyad vára… and Kaputorony… There is mystery somewhere, you just need to know how to find it.
