After the northern and central-northern part of Cluj, we continue our journey by going to the far western part of the city, towards Mănăștur area, mainly around the Central Park.
This is my favorite corner of Cluj, with the town hall tower visible in the center of the image.
Some villas still retain their old beauty. I once dreamed to own such a house…
This is the Casino in the Central Park. When I first came to Cluj it was an utter ruin. Now it’s fully functional. It was originally built in 1896 and now hosts cultural events and galleries.
Another classical postcard of Cluj is the Chios Restaurant, at one end of a pond in the park, which typically freezes during the winter and is used for skating. During the warmer months there are several boats available for people willing to sail around a small island in the middle of the lake (the pink flamingos visible in the image). The building was built in 1896 as the former Ice Skating Rink.
The parish priest of St. Michael’s Church in the city’s main square used to have 8 tenement houses built in the English style. They are located next to the Central Park.
When I first came to Cluj, they were grey and scary. Now they are completely renovated.
They are known as the Tenement Houses in Arany János Street. This is apparently hosting the Paprika Radio.
This is Sinor Denis House, the last one in the row.
The Faculty of Chemistry building today, this is the Former Girl’s High School, built sometime around 1900.
The part which is closest to the old city center hosts the British Council, the most important place in the city for an English language learner. And a gateway for many…
Across the park is the Elisabeth Bridge, once called “the blue bridge”, now apparently grey. It is probably twice the projected weight by now, due to the many padlocks added every year…
Next to the Central Park is the Cluj Arena or Stadium.
Also, next to it is the Somes River.
Here is a view towards the West, from the Giuseppe Garibaldi Bridge. It’s autumn. To the right and center is the Grigorescu district, the best district in the city. To the left there are more parks and sport complexes.
Returning a bit back to the stadium we can see the Polyvalent Hall (to the left).
Following the Manastur Boulevard, we need to climb a bit. And we encounter 2 church towers.
The one to the right belongs to Our Lady of Sorrows Church, rebuilt in 1902.
Actually, the chapel was originally built on the other side of the road in 1579. Now there remains only the Báthori House (to the right of the image). In the center of the image is the USAMV or the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj, important for veterinary emergencies.
This last image shows the Reformed Church with Rooster, built in 1913 in the Viennese secession style. It is called “with rooster” because it has its spire decorated with the image of a rooster (which can also be seen on the green fence). And here we end our journey for now.
Cluj-Napoca – West & Park Area